
The Haunting

There was a chill in the sigh that escaped your lips before your words drove blades into my bruised neck.

Revenge Is My Faith

The gray ladies by the lake embellish my crimes With jewels and bloodlust, and twists that scare me. My knives puncture flesh and dance on red dimes, Yet no one with a kind soul calls me Bloody Mary. These palms do not butcher for pennies or thrills. Revenge is my faith but I can replace…

Your Ghost

That ghostly string that ties us together, It keeps tipping people over When I stand up for what is right.


These wooden doors I carve out on Friday nights Turn to gravestones under the Sunday light.

Bed Rot

Thoughts of my younger self haunt me like fury and bloodlust. Back then my pale neck ached from carrying sapphire crowns.


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